My Branded App - Available on the App Store!

My Branded App - Available on the App Store!

I can't believe I'm saying this!

This has been a long time coming!

A journey of creation, rejection, disappointment, frustration and eventual TRIUMPH!

I'm so excited to have had my App accepted by Apple for distribution... that's no mean feat.

In a later post, I might unpack exactly what it took to achieve this but for now let's bask in the glory!

As part of the process I've had notebooks full of "fix this' and 'fix that' notes; bug fixes, functionality issues and so on. How I haven't given up sooner I'll never know. I guess the saying 'When there's a will, there's a way' is so true.

I truly believe you can do anything you set your mind to.

So before I forget, from now on I'll be sending you all to check out my App. 

Oh yes, nearly forgot ... it's coming soon to Google Play, so if you're an Android user and can feel a touch of FOMO creeping up on you, then fear not, I have every confidence that Google will accept my Branded App in...

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Boost Your Productivity the Smart Way!


Everything You Do To Take Care Of Yourself Matters.

That momentum you’ve whipped up and are pretty darn proud of because you’re sure you know what your perfect future looks like?

What happens when it runs away with you? Let me tell you …

  • That next best thing you're chasing 
  • You know it should be further along than it is
  •  You just need to get through this next phase 

That's the 'Hustle Mindset' I hear you. I know this. I've been there.

It's exhausting.

Mental and Physical Wellness for High Achievers, Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs


Grab your Free Productivity Prompt Sheets from our amazing new App called VHW (Virtual Wellness Hub), available from the App Store now!

Why do I need this right now?

You'll be blown away by the content.

Consider this ...

 What happens if you STOP?

(As in Stop the World I want to Get Off!)

I get it - there’s just no way you’re stopping!

You’ve worked too...

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Finding Your Balance and Cultivating Calm


Finding Your Balance and Cultivating Calm in this Ever-Changing World!

Goodness ME!

Life can feel so overwhelming at times but I've learnt that 'keeping a calm head on my shoulders' can make such a difference and parking the emotion to preserve energy is the first step towards this!

Stormy Weather - in more sense than one!

Having just arrived back from Spain and escaped the floods (I feel so sorry for those who have been affected), my sense of relief is tangible.

I'd been keeping the plates spinning for days, trying to find ways to get home, despite the highly charged storm that was gripping the mainland.

When I finally came down from my 'high' I remembered that it was Wednesday and I'd promised myself that I'd revisit my blog. So here it is.

Sometimes Journalling can be so therapeutic.

I've a crazy amount of resources ready to share with you, so I've been creating a Resource Bank for you today on my website  - the Virtual Wellness Hub.

It's still work in progress...

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Discipline Your Day!


Discipline Your Day!

Or I could choose the title Why being 'Behind in Life' is a complete nonsense!

These are not opposite notions.

Let's acknowledge that not everything is achievable all at once and rather than wasting energy trying to keep everything in our mind's-eye, capturing a snapshot of our day helps us to focus, prioritise and gain some semblance of control.

Not one for routine? Nor me.

We're so ingrained by the idea that we have to fit everything into a timeline in life; that we should work within half hour slots and run our life to a pre-determined schedule. Well, I don't know about you but that simply isn't a reality for me.

Is it wrong to break the mould and use a softer, more achievable approach?

Of course not.

In fact, I've never found a diary or planner that has everything I need in one place (they usually force me to fit my activities into their timeframe), so I've created my own and thought I'd share it with you here.

We are all unique but we share some...

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Navigating Life's Drift



Navigating Life's Drift!

Shhh ... I've been cocooning!

Do you ever do that when you want to step it up a notch?

I know this is the moment I'm meant to do the big reveal but I'm much more inclined to ease back into things!

I haven't been 'drifting off', quite the contrary.

'Drifting' does not necessarily mean that you are 'adrift' but that you are going with the ebb and flow of life and as we ease into the balmy month of August, it's a great time to reflect and to set ourselves up for the months ahead.

And that's exactly what I've been doing; taking time to reflect and to look for more sustainable ways to maintain good business flow. 

Behind the scenes (drum-roll please), I've been busy creating an App for my Virtual Wellness Hub.

Now, the jury is out as to whether this is a worthwhile investment but you never know until you try, do you?

It's still work-in-progress (has already been approved by Apple) and I'm sure I can call on you to help me beta-test the...

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The Sabbatical

The Sabbatical - Time Out

I planned to take time out, to allow myself some space and recovery time.

We live in an age where flexible working and a healthy work-life balance are becoming increasingly important.

It was important to me.

To travel. To rekindle friendships and relationships.

So I did just that. I've loved every moment of it.

But you know the hardest part of taking time out ...

The emotional disconnect with your business / profession.

I'm sure there are pros and cons to all sabbatical arrangements but when it is your own business (and you get to call the shots), you get to decide for how long and to what extent you retreat.

While you're in the rhythm of work / business, you build pace and gain momentum, creating a snowball effect; attracting attention.

You're visible, you're seen, you're remembered.

So yes, I guess there's a downside to taking a sabbatical (out of sight, out of mind and all that).

But there comes a time when you're ready to turn your back on...

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Self-Care Matters

Everything you Do to Take Care of Yourself Matters ...

In Increasing Performance!

Why do I need to know this right now?


Everything You Do To Take Care Of Yourself Matters in Increasing High Performance 


What happens if you STOP?

(As in Stop the World I want to Get Off!)

I get it - there’s just no way you’re stopping!

You’ve worked too hard to let go now.

That momentum you’ve whipped up and are pretty darn proud of because you’re sure you know what your perfect future looks like?


What happens when it runs away with you?

Let me tell you …


  • That next best thing you're chasing 
  • You know it should be further along than it is
  •  You just need to get through this next phase 


That's the 'Hustle Mindset' I hear you. I know this. I've been there.

It's exhausting.


Mental and Physical Wellness for High Achievers

Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs


Wellness is so much...

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Step Into Your Own Magnificence


If you Google my name

Catherine Francis Wright

you'd probably find (via my LinkedIn Profile) that I have an MBA, 

that I graduated three times

I've held leadership and management roles.

Having read this …

you might assume that 

I'm confident 


comfortable in my own skin

but that's not the full story.

Feeling refreshed after my two month sabbatical ... 

I've decided to try a video blog this week (or Vlog as they are known)!

Let's see what you think.

Hope you enjoy my mini-ebook (Audio/Video), however you choose to view it.

That link it mentions again ...

 It also refers to the notion known as Small Steps Big Difference which was the subject of my earlier blog.

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Make Kindness Your New Habit

Kill them with Kindness!

I've been reflecting lately on the wisdom passed on to me by my father.

He used to talk to me about how he managed people and the mistakes people make in their response to challenging circumstances or individuals.

We don't hear the expression 'Kill them with Kindness' much these days, do we?

I suspect that's often because people would rather approach a situation with 'all guns blazing'.

Next time you're dealing with a difficult situation, try changing your default response and doing the opposite of what you feel. 

Go ahead. The outcome will totally surprise you. Why not make it one of those Healthy Habits we talked about?

The expression "Kill them with Kindness" means to respond to rudeness, hostility, or negativity with kindness and generosity, instead of reacting with anger or hostility (as the person exacerbating the conflict may wish). 

Responding in a positive and kind manner can be more effective in dealing with difficult...

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Habit Forming

Habit Forming - the Good the Bad and the Ugly!

I ended my last blog by saying

If you change your thinking, you change your life.

Well equally, it can be said

If you change your habits, you change your life.

I cannot stress enough how important this is ...

and how, if you can master this, you put yourself up there with the great achievers.

It's that simple! You know this, right?

So what's the secret? Well according to Mell Robbins in her book The Five Second Rule (one of my favourite reads by the way) ...

‘Throughout your life, you've had parents, coaches, teachers, friends and mentors who have pushed you to be better than your excuses and bigger than your fears. What if the secret to having the confidence and courage to enrich your life and work is simply knowing "how" to push yourself?’

Using the science of habits [...] Mel Robbins will explain the power of a push moment.

The secret isn't knowing what to do, it's knowing how to make yourself do it.

In fact this was the...

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